Friday, August 31, 2012

Naroda Patiya riot - Ex-minister & other convicted sentenced by court

Today in Naroda patiya riot case Ahmedabad special court sentence former Minister of Gujarat Maya kodnani of 28 years jail and Bajrang Dal leader Babu narrated the life (life long prison) bragging. In addition, the other seven accused were sentenced to 31 years. The Court acknowledged that the riot at Naroda Patiya was black smudge on Indian democracy .

Earlier the former Minister Maya kodnani, Bajrang Dal leader Babu and the 33 other people were convicted by the Court. These people were convicted of conspiracy and murder.

This additional principal judge ruled that while the IPC jyotsna yagnik kodnani 120 (b) of section (criminal conspiracy), 302 (murder) and 308 (assassination) convicted in the case. the Court acquitted 29 accused Chief Minister Narendra Modi and bragging that you consider close. the legislator has left three times from kodnani naroda.

That Godhra train fire after a day of naroda patiya on 28 February 2002 by the crowd gushes in the 97 people killed by February 28, 2002 was a VHP bandh. These riots nearly 35 people seriously injured in the naroda patiya. and the huge crowd rallying during the other attacking people in the community.

The attack killed 97 people, while 33 people injured by the special investigations team. the Supreme Court examined the case. the case hearings started in 2009 and 62 people charged were accused during the death of Vijay Shetty one.

Bus accident in China, 31 dead

A bus fell in a ditch killing 31 people on board in ,Central China, sanmenaksiya City. While many others injured were admitted to the hospital.
Police investigating the case. Bodies have been sent for post-mortem. This is the second biggest crash during past few days in China.
Earlier on August 26 in China a methylene ladalad tanker caught fire resulting into 39 deaths.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Issac Cyclone hits Louisiana

The Louisiana state of U.S is facing havoc from sharp winds of Cyclone Isaac resulting into heavy rains and flooding. The very costly flood safety system will be under test for the first time.

In the year 2005 more than 18,000 people lost their lives due to cyclone Katrina in Louisiana. Tropical storm Isaac on Tuesday, the cyclone's having greater ushn ragged as with 130 km per hour speed winds and has been inundated with rain.

Many low-lying areas were flooded. However, Isaac was not much powerful as previously thought of. But the threat still remains. In Louisiana the lower areas are often flooded.

Newspapers reports that cyclone due to power more than 170,000 Gul and power without trouble. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Indian-Americans situations arising as a result of the cyclone preparedness to focus on dealing with the Republican party in a meeting.

The US national hurricane Center ‘ ’ ‘ on the Northern Gulf Coast said that dangerous storm ’. The first came after the center of hurricane Isaac said Louisiana, Florida and hurricanes coming in already misisipi news. The Federal Emergency Management Agency for the rescue operation and the National Guard has more than 4,100 troops are active.

Louisiana National Guard has deployed teams and 13 communications team 48 ferry. Coast Guard has baitain up to the Gulf of Mexico from the rough River is closed. misisipi New orleans closed the cargo terminal at the port. Louisiana announced emergency in the misisipi. Administration to collaborate on emergency disaster relief and demanding money under federal funds allowed.

Mitt Romney is Republican Party candidate in US presidential election

Republican Party has declared Mr. Mitt Romney as the candidate for the US presidential election to be held in November this year. Now it is clear that Mitt Romney will be fighting election against the democratic party candidate Barack Obama. After getting necessary support of 1144 representative during Republican National Convention on Tuesday Romney got nomination.

Future direction of the u.s. by Romney erased to the Indian American community's perspective on the importance given by the community enough political Executive Committee who threw their support to us this year has erased Romney President candidates elections the Republican party.

Republican Indian Committee (RIC) National Chairman Dilip palith said, while romni all our citizens without any Republican Indian Committee perspective. Indian American community of sharing question modern risk-management in education, entrepreneurship and strategy, strong family values, supports high adsharen in the party's National Congress in tampa. as soon as the candidate has officially declared a romni only represent American adsharen RIC said romney And the private sector to fully understand.

Indian American small business, said RIC owners, corporate managers, bankers, investors, tech CEOs, doctors, professors, engineers and vaigyakion. as we know our community to protect the American dream to the next generation. we have our children the burden of billions of dollars of debt: on-leave of Sam Malhotra. RIC said that the fiscal policy of the Committee romni protection, he said. Run the maisachuset in good governance Committee. their romni records, they support them. that's where he spent some on the sides and the budget for rescue from unchecked.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mullah Omar in Pakistan claims US & NATO Chief

A top US General has declined claim of Pakistan that Mullah Omar is hiding in Afghanistan he said that the Taliban's Supreme Commander hiding in Pakistan.

Commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen has written in his article published in the Washington Post newspaper says that like other commanders of Taliban Mullah Omar is also hiding in Pakistan. There are a large number of the Jihad which in the name of the helping helpless youths send them to Afghanistan to die or jailed in riot and forgot them. He is responsible in killings of innocents, his hands are colored with blood of innocents. Slogan of Do not attack civilians by him is not a really.

Allen's article on Afghan security forces recently US troops mounting attacks. between the Taliban claimed that security forces in such attacks and intrusions. its claims on Allen said that with the reality of either Omar or his militia broke out of his control. the reality that her feet are riled. Most areas from the militia pushed the money. it is also exploring other avenues and deterring investment. opium poppy cultivation of Afghan and coalition forces to stop drug smuggling attempts by earnings plummeted too rich.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Rebels shot down Syria's helicopter

In Syria's capital Damascus near Jobar a army helicopter attacking with machine guns and missile was shot down by the rebels on Monday. Syria's official channel reporta, a helicopter crashed in Damascus.
An eyewitness accounts reported that during bomb shelling by rebels the helicopter catch fire and was seen in flames which later fell down. In video footage taken by human rights activists chopper can be seen falling down, and the rebels singing slogans can be seen.
Chopper's fall after the army and rebels in the outskirts of the city between substantially. army helicopter Sunday at Sunni Muslims from jobar and nearby machine gun and rocket attack from President Bashar Al Assad's have seized hundreds of people Sunday in daraya. off the Pier that Assad last 17 months of his rule against facing stringent rebellion .

Terrorist killed in Israeli attack

In a missile attack in Egypt by an Israeli aircraft a terrorist going on his motorbike was killed.
Sources identified the terrorist as Ibrahim Nasser. The attack was made when the terrorist was 15 kilometres away from form the Egypt-Israel border in his motorcycle.
Interestingly, a few days before the terrorist was arrested by the Egypt's army and was later released. Officials say Nasser was declared terrorist for being indulging in killing of Israeli tourists. Some days back Nasser killed 16 soldiers at rapha of Egypt.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Three dead in China's bridge collapse

A part of the bridge collapsed in China'a eastern part due to this four truck fell down causing death of 03 people and injuring five. this information. This information was provided by the police.

According to the news agency this incidence took place today morning around 5.30 am at hairpin the capital shenhua heilongjiang province. This bridge was inaugurated in last November and was of 100 m long and 30 meter elevated.

Curiosity moved for first time in Mars

For the First time on Wednesday Curiosity vehicle after landing on Mars travelled for short distance. NASA Jet propalshan Laboratory (JLR) has informed this.
16 days ago where curiosity landed it moved 20 feet (six meters) away from there. Rover, Matt harlow to 16 minutes curiosity the tour, which took in 10 minutes tasvire. Matt pointed out that Land Rover chassis. Mission in dhanse it was Rover landed on Mars where signal NASA to bradbury his name. Curiosity Mars laindig On the 20 km journey is designed to fix that, providing the possibility of life on the planet.
UFO on Mars
NASA's Mars Rover, cutters circle during their cameras in the red planet four circles of white light on the horizon the sky dance, some imprisoned. claim that these photos are another world planet Orbiter (UFO) are organisms that are far to keep an eye on human activities. However own NASA scientists say that in the light of its own Rover pictures as well as Punj The shadow of the statue on the lens. these lights on Mars Rover vehicles from 3500 million miles away from the eye. no official comment on the dispute by NASA.

APFA to protect NATO in Afganistan

The Afghan public protection force (APPF) is all set to provide security to Afghanistan NATO forces. This information is provided by an Afghan Minister.
As per RIA Novosti News Agency during a press conference on Thursday by APPF Minister mujtaba patang said currently security of Afghanistan bases NATO in done by 37 private security firms which will be dissolved and responsibility for the work will be handed over to APPF from March 2013.
NATO-led forces on the announcement and the Afghan security forces and police in the wake of attacks by Taliban terrorists are. so far this year, the international security assistance force in internal attacks (ISF) soldier had been killed at least 40. APPF patang said his personnel verified and guaranteed up disgruntled leaders. these forces in provincial Council Member ghaspaith any enemy. Currently in the year 2014 and 30,000 security men from the APPF their number to reach one million.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

UK sent back 700 illegal immigrants

700 Indians living illegally in UK on Student visas even after expiry of their visas have been sent back to India. As per information, British officials in London campaigned against 2000 illegal immigrants. Besides these Indians - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, and China illegal immigirants too were included. The agency sent back two-thirds of them by the legal pressure, while one third people were forcibly removed from out of the country.

UK immigration Minister Damien Green said people who stayed after the visa expired, send them back to us information. so that he may come to see ourselves away but that many didn't even notice after. such people we send back forcibly. Green said our visa norms to apply correctly to try. He also said that if a visa has expired and then also reported leaves the UK ban on visiting the country not too concentrated.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Entering Ecuador Embassy will be dangerous for Britain

Ecuador has threatened that any attempt by Britain to arrest wiki leaks founder, Julian Assange, by entering in its London Embassy will be a suicide move. Ecuador President rafael koreya on Tuesday said if the US Embassy in the UK to present the British embassies worldwide ghusa democracy supporter climbing.

Ecuador's Government recently announced asaje harbouring the tough decision to Britain, said he would not like: when the Embassy detained in the asaje. UK, Ecuador entered also said that a price will move out of London asaje., however, Ecuador and diplomatic dispute between Britain and the u.s. on Monday also released war of asaange. asaje u. s. Reacting to the charges, said that he took it upon himself to sexual assault charges from the Obama administration for abusing the diversionary.

Assange recently London-based supporters from the balcony of the Embassy of Ecuador addressed to the us behind wiki leaks said. the u.s. State Department spokesperson Victoria nulaind said British extradition dispute with assange of Sweden.

Sweden in terms of the misdemeanour and sexual assault in America vachit. question of a role of the time, the biggest issue is to face Julian asaje legal process Sweden going?

Millions of us diplomatic messages by moving the Julian asange world hack pro hackers group enonimas the UK PM Office, home and justice minister to hack websites. However, Tuesday morning all websites work normally.

According to information provided by the Government, on Monday night at cyber attack, but they were all public websites targeted, so hackers can't hand confidential information. However, problems on some websites, but now they will be overcome soon.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ethiopian Prime Minister M.Zenawi passes away.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died. This information was given by Ethiopian Government television on Tuesday.
According to the news agency shenhua, Meles Zenawi (57), was not seen public over the past two months due to illness. a Government spokesman said of the foreign victims of the sudden transition during treatment and died in a hospital. public television also said that caretaker Prime Minister hailemriyam dealings.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ecuador threatens Britain on Julian Asanja Issue

Swedish website wikileaks founder Julian asanje in Ecuador harbouring tremendous support from our allies. its partners warned that if diplomatic protection at the Embassy of Ecuador in London UK violates the useiske serious consequences in Ecuador Embassy London will asanje take refuge in.

This regional group in Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and the tiny Caribbean country. it asanje the right to asylum to Ecuador. has the support emphasized that the world's other country imposing its will by Britain to oppose efforts to overpowered. ALBA countries demand that the United Nations of the world to be a violation of diplomatic institutions to discuss the issue.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Danger of Biological Attacks increasing

Nuclear strikes than are currently of concern to mankind biological attack be made. by the end of 2012 as the figures almost 20 million American families will receive two bottle daksisaiklin.

Daksisaiklin is a type of antibiotic used in the treatment of bacterial infections, which are toxic to micro-organisms in biological attacks is by typing in the envelope sent to anthrax and plague as it causes fatal diseases ncname.

American weapons of mass distraction of prevention of Commission agents/c & f [WMD] proliphereshan & terrijm by the end of the 2013 believed WMD attack biological molecular biological attacks and not only will it not fear an unknown per the many fictional films.. in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, anthrax letters to various media institutions from wrapped too anonymous and official offices had been tried by causing fearFive people killed, and 17 more than 10 thousand sick fall. people had to take to avoid infection antibiotic.
Recently Seriya has theritned that if action is taken against them by they may use biological wepons.
This is a serious subject and ganymede, according to u.s. federal investigation agency FBI behind these attacks against us 56 steps. According to at least one FBI centres must possess WMD.

Indonesia reduces sentence of 50000 prisioners

Indonesia on its independence day on Friday reduces 50,000 prisioners imprisionment sentence who were punished against charged for crimes of murder,  drugs business and corruption. This was informed on Saturday in a media reports.

According to the Xinhua News Agency reports that the prisoners were sentenced to lesser-known, among them drug smugglers and shapely korbi, formerly of Australian materials official gayus h. Tambunan and former Indonesian pilot palikarpas budhihari priyanto. priyanto to human rights activist for his role in killing Mounir was sentenced.

Danish Minister of law and human rights, said that all prisoner Amir shamsudin or religious holidays such as independence day on the convicted is entitled to cut chances. "according to the Jakarta Post newspaper, quoting information Minister.

Friday, August 17, 2012

American Commander met Kayani

The troubled North Waziristan region, Pakistani military action against the terrorists, America's top commander of speculation between army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez kiyani, Pakistan met Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, between his looks have the increasing mutual collaboration discussion.

U.s. Central Command Commander General James maittis Pakistan Defence Secretary Lt Gen Asif yasin Malik and senior Pakistan [retired] commanders met with the u.s. Embassy in Pakistan said the statement issued from Pakistani military officials, met with the security issues discussed in maittis. He has a terrorist network activities and cross-border cooperation on issues like increasing. "

Defense relations between the United States and Pakistan maittis a later important. He said it not only in Afghanistan but also the ongoing operation, the stability of the region as well.

America Against Ban On Guns

In the US, despite several recent firing incidents in the country's most gun control [gun control law] of any law possessing arms. they support recent constitutional right. in the event of the wisconsin inside of six Sikhs to death during firing.

Public rilijan Research Institute [PRRI] by rilijan news service [RNS] in the latest survey of partnership found that 68 per cent has agreed that the constitutional right to keep weapons, or freedom of expression such as constitutional rights like freedom of the press.

PRRI Chief Executive Dr. Robert p. Jones pointed out that especially in this sense those arms. poll nearly 76 percent believed that church or other ritual sites people hiding should not be allowed to carry arms. 73 percent believed that buildings should not allow to take the weaponWhile 77 percent thought the College should not be allowed to carry arms. Although political and religious circles in variation.

Survey says nearly 27 per cent believed that the firing of guns to control the most important interlink. 22 per cent believed that better mental health test firing of the largest close 19 per cent protective measures. that God and morality to emphasize the most important defensive measures.