In the wake of continued violence in Muslim countries against its citizens the US President Barack Obama said on Saturday that his country will not tolerate attacks on its citizens.He said US administration is considering sending specially trained Marine Commandos.
Significantly, the Middle East, Asia, North Africa and South and East Asia and some countries in the Americas on Saturday against the violent activities of the West fourth day. the Governments of these countries, and Obama has indulged in violence, stating that warns people link we will not tolerate violence on people and establishments.
A senior White House official said that because of the violence of Islam anti-inflammatory videos. getting the air, he said the violence subsided just as anti-US violence in the u.s.. security status of missions, the US State Department on the serious concern: the Governments of these countries, spokeswoman Victoria nyulaind said American embassies and installations to ensure the security of these venues for tangible and substantial steps. Security of any kind should not be tolerated is growing.