On wednesday during United States presidential election campaign debate on TV President Barack Obama and the publican candidate were seen on the same stage for the first time. During debate both of them raised allegations on each other. Romney raised issue of increasing Unemployment in U.S. due to policies of Obama. Obama also responded strongly to get back in the debate. The issues and allegations raised were regarding the nations economic downturn, Tax policies and of health facilities.
In the debate Romney emphasised on the draw backs of economic policies of Barack Obama. He strongly appealed the public to show Obama a way out.
During the debate both expressed their opinions regarding the country's internal issues. Both of them will again debate twice before November 6. Then you will see the debate on television stage regarding discussing foreign policy.
Obama strongly hitting back blamed Romney of increasing taxes on the poor if he came to power. He accused the Romney policy which resulted in economic recession in the year 2008. But Romney by things from scratch. He said that he thought of reducing tax rate for all.This will be profitable for small traders and will increase jobs.
Romney alleged that Obama did nothing during his tenure to reduce budget deficits. Nor did he reduced his expenses. He charged that Obama has overlooked the position of nation and have have spent wildly. He also blamed Obama for not doing the economic reforms.
Romney said if he come to power he will end up Barack Obama's health reforms.
Interestingly, voting for U.S. President is on November 6. Meanwhile in the US unemployment rate has gone above eight percent. Romney has chance to capitalize on the issue.