Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit on Monday sent legal notice of the defamation to Mr. Arvind Kejrival chief of India against corruptions. Chief Minister Dixit has asked Mr. Kejrival to take back comments used by him and apologise on the matter. This kejrival says that he will continue to further defamation. On Sheila notice Kejrival said that they are not defaming Sheila by her misdoings are defaming her.
Interestingly, Arvind kejrival, a few days ago raised some question on Sheila Dixit. He asked whether it is true that two years ago the a resolution was designed to cutoff price of power in Delhi by 23percent? Is it true that the Government has stopped this resolution from passing? Is it true that the Delhi High Court slammed the Government for not passing this resolution? Is it true that government property worth 2,000 million was handed over to big industrial houses on rent of one rupee per month? In the last Kejrival asked the Chief Minister to clarify what relationship she had with power companies? Is the Government is with private companies or with the public.